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A tour of the lives of the great artists of our time. Van Gogh - Sunflowers, directed by Bickerstaff

Art Icons' journey into the lives of the greatest artists of our time continues with "Van Gogh - Sunflowers", in cinemas from 17 to 19 January 2022.

Vincent Van Gogh is one of the painters who has undoubtedly had the greatest influence on contemporary life.

Vincent van Gogh, Girasoli, 1888, Olio su tela, Monaco, Neue Pinakothek
Vincent van Gogh, Girasoli, 1888, Olio su tela, Monaco, Neue Pinakothek

The different versions, seven in all, painted between 1888 and 1889, of the Sunflowers still represent a mystery that, thanks to the immense fame of its author, fascinates the whole world. The first two, now in the National Gallery in London and the Neue Pinakothek in Munich, were made to hang in Paul Gauguin's bedroom in the house they shared in Arles. After the painful break-up at Christmas 1888 and Gauguin's departure, Vincent returned to work on the Sunflower motif, painting three more versions that are now scattered between Amsterdam, Philadelphia and Tokyo. Gauguin wrote him a letter about it, asking that a copy be sent to him as a gift, as he sensed that this group of works would constitute the summit of the Dutch artist's painting.

Locandina ART ICONS
Locandina Van Gogh- I Girasoli - ART ICONS

Working closely with the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, the documentary, directed by David Bickerstaff and starring Jamie de Courcey, is not just a "virtual exhibition" but a cinematic journey that includes engaging insights from art historians and botanists, digging into the rich and complex stories behind each painting to unravel the mysteries of the Sunflowers.


Genre: Documentary

Year: 2021

Lenght: 85 min

Date: 17 gennaio 2022

Released by: Adler Entertainment

- Editorial


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